08 August 2007

Two Birds with One Stone

We're having twins! Yes, yes, this is absolute MADNESS but I really can't explain how excited we are. So we're at the doctors and I'm having the ultra sound done--the probe kind so you can't just see everything nice like you would see if you were looking at a picture, ya know? On the screen, there came up this little tiny baby, about one inch long, just wigglin' and movin' all over the place--good heart beat...just solid. Then, the doctor moved the probe a little to the left and says, "Well what's this? Looks like he's got a little friend in there." Jake and I are like....whhhhhhhat?? So this picture probably isn't the easiest to understand because it works way better if its verticle instead of horizontal--but I couldn't get it to work. Anyway, they are both there, laying side by side, just chillin and probably having great conversation. They both have good strong heart beats and everything looks "perfect" according to the doctor. If you look closely, you can see the them in two different "sacks," which means they aren't going to be identical. So that's the scoop! Ain't life grand?


Brit said...

WOW! That is so exciting! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

haha HOLY CRAP! That's insane!!!! Rach just called me and told me the news! Congratulations!

p.s. I have my own blog now.. you should check it out and leave comments since I have no friends.

ashleykarena.blogspot.com :)

Katie said...

rarely does my jaw drop when reading blogs, but this time it did!

CONGRATS! you'll be the cutest (and busiest) mom!

Heath and Gretchen said...

Jenna! Jake! Oh my gosh congratulations guys! I found your link on Ani’s blog! Two for one! That’s so exciting! You better relax these next few months cause you’ll definitely have your hands full when they get here! :) Gretchen

Andi said...

totally can't wait for andi jayne and sarah lee to get here....thank YOUUUU

Ani said...

I love that you are going to have BABIES! Not just baby! For your year anniversary you will go out to dinner and they will say "Jake, party of 4, your table is ready!"

Canadian Princess said...

Jenna...I'm so excited for you...Seriously, I've always wanted to have twins and was just so happy when I read your blog. Of course it'll be difficult too, but so many blessings all at once is too exciting for words!!!

Andrea said...

OH MY GOSH!!!! I can't believe that, but how wonderful. U will def. be one of those hot moms your kids friends come over to look at.. :)

Jamie said...

Oh my gosh!! That is the most exciting thing EVER! Why are twins so much more thrilling than one? Congratulations. I can't wait to tell Dan.

Danielle said...

This is Ani's sister, she just called me and told me the fabulous news! I just had to tell you congrats, even though we've never met! I am so excited for you. You are going to love being parents- especially of 2 little sweeties!

Danielle said...

Do you mind if I steal your baby ticker idea? So cute!!

natalie said...

Jenna! That is so wonderful! I always thought that having twins for my first pregnancy would be the best time for twins. I am so excited for you and I cannot wait to see there little faces! I know they will be beautiful babies. I hope YOU are feeling well. Now go get some sleep.

Zach and Katie Hillstead said...

I am so happy for you guys! I think at this rate Mom and Dad will have a heart attack by next year with all the suprises that keep coming! It will be so fun to have three cousins!

Unknown said...

i can't beleive it!! I am so happy for you two. That is so exciting! How are you taking everything??

callie said...

are you kidding??!! congratulations! oh my goodness! twins with the first pregnancy sure is the way to go!

Breanne King said...

Ok, wait....I am so happy for you. I am going to have twins too, I'm not even thinking about getting pregnant but I WILL. I've had their names picked out before I even met Eddie. I am so excited for you guys. They will be sooo cute. Congrats!

lauren ann said...

YEAH!!! That is so exciting. Even more exciting that we are going to be in the same state when you birth these little suckers- I can't wait to see you and them

The Young Family Inc. said...

I miss them already... life could not be more exciting... an Auntie!! Of twins!!! Keep up the great work Jenna! (And I'll be waiting for my photo purse!!)

Tanner said...

Oh my gosh! I have been out of the country and didn't even hear your messages until last night! I started crying and I'm crying right now too! What a blessing! I need to buy another baby outfit! That is Chad's biggest dream to have twins! SHould I get preganant too! Will you text me your phone number, I got a new phone right before i left the country and I didn't bring any phone numbers over! I miss you ! l love you!