why now??
i'm pretty sure i have strep throat. two days ago, my throat closed up and i could barely talk. it got better yesterday, and now its back, full throttle. i'm running a half-marathon on saturday... how am i going to do that if i can hardly swallow? any suggestions for quick healing? i've been trying to sleep a lot, drink orange juice, daily vitamin---HELP.
i could use some prayers.
i've been feeling this same way since april 9th. it will not freaking GO AWAY. a this point vitamins are nice but just fluff....skip to the dayquil to get you through life. good luck this weekend.
get an rx. pronto.
Go get a shot! When stefano had it he got one and felt better the next day.. he wasn't all the way better for a few days, but I don't think strep is one of those things vitamins can take care of! I'm so sorry!!!:(
I'm sorry to hear that Jenna...My mother would say eat lots of fresh garlic... Though I have no idea if that'd help with strep throat or not. Good luck on Saturday, I think it's great you're doing the SLC half!
Do you know butter "ghee"? It's an indian butter extract. Just put a little bit into your herbal tea. It's just magical, believe me. And also washing your throat with saulty water helps a lot.
I'm sending you all my love...
Oh it won't go away (sorry..), but just try to fix the symptoms. Hot water, lemon and honey three times a day always helps me.
Good luck on the race. u rock. motivate the rest of us.
get a prescription...but mix lemon and honey, pop it in the microwave...and drink your soul away. so sorry!
do you want me to pray for you?
good luck today!
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