17 April 2008

why now??

i'm pretty sure i have strep throat. two days ago, my throat closed up and i could barely talk. it got better yesterday, and now its back, full throttle. i'm running a half-marathon on saturday... how am i going to do that if i can hardly swallow? any suggestions for quick healing? i've been trying to sleep a lot, drink orange juice, daily vitamin---HELP.

i could use some prayers.


jenna said...

i've been feeling this same way since april 9th. it will not freaking GO AWAY. a this point vitamins are nice but just fluff....skip to the dayquil to get you through life. good luck this weekend.

Ani said...

get an rx. pronto.

Megano said...

Go get a shot! When stefano had it he got one and felt better the next day.. he wasn't all the way better for a few days, but I don't think strep is one of those things vitamins can take care of! I'm so sorry!!!:(

Canadian Princess said...

I'm sorry to hear that Jenna...My mother would say eat lots of fresh garlic... Though I have no idea if that'd help with strep throat or not. Good luck on Saturday, I think it's great you're doing the SLC half!

Anonymous said...

Do you know butter "ghee"? It's an indian butter extract. Just put a little bit into your herbal tea. It's just magical, believe me. And also washing your throat with saulty water helps a lot.
I'm sending you all my love...

Andrea said...

Oh it won't go away (sorry..), but just try to fix the symptoms. Hot water, lemon and honey three times a day always helps me.

Good luck on the race. u rock. motivate the rest of us.

Jessica said...

get a prescription...but mix lemon and honey, pop it in the microwave...and drink your soul away. so sorry!

SJ said...

do you want me to pray for you?

Katie and joe said...

good luck today!