16 February 2008

vegas, baby.

we are up and leaving for vegas in one hour. i love that i married someone who will go on spontaneous adventures with me. peace out.


Anonymous said...

Viva Las Vegas! The Biggest Big City in the World. Go Vela II's!
Love, The Vela I's!

The Young Family Inc. said...

"So lucky"

Nicco says that now. He tries to do the voice and everything.

Mike and Alecia said...

Hey Jenna its alecia. It has been forever. I got so excited when i saw your blog from Kacie's. So I'm guessing you married your missionary. That is so awesome.I just started a blog nothing spectacular like yours theadamsonfamily.blogspot.com. Lets stay in contact girl. Oh how i miss those Hawaii days.

Megano said...

Oh how fun!! I bet it was so warm! Good times:)!