13 September 2007

alright already.

there aren't many words that can explain how crazy life has been lately, BUT we're alive and happy still. we made it to utah. task completed. sort of caught up in school. task completed. cleaned and unpacked all belongings, including getting rid of things that we never use. task incomplete. made apartment cute and welcoming to guests and loved ones. task incomplete. keep up to date on blogging. task incomplete. paid first months rent. task incomplete (still locating checkbook). get good nights sleep every night. task incomplete. found camera cord. task incomplete. still in love with husband. task complete. i promise once i get all settled in and s.a.n.e then i will be better about keeping you updated. as for now, i have stolen pictures from friends and family and this should suffice for awhile. also- i'm 15 weeks along; we have an appt. on the 26th, which means by then i'm sure we'll be able to find out the sex of the baby. whoo hoo!

me and carly.

brothers....but not really.

if your friends don't dance and if you don't dance then you're no friend of mine.

at the georgia BBQ for our wedding. carly, chad, katie zach, jake and me.

sister and i decided who gets which gumball.

dinner at henry's. yes, i look like an elephant.


McKell and John said...

Jenna, you should totally go to Gender Ultrasound in the crappy provo mall (it's on the bottom floor toward the movie entrance). It's like 80 bucks and they can see what you're having right now!!! Drink somthing fruity before you go! And they give you a dvd of the little thing bouncing around in there.

Breanne King said...

I want you to know I am very excited for three things:
1. Your return to blogging
2. To find out the gender of your babe
3. That your in Utah; we should hang out because we have never really hung out. Just hanging out in the same place cuz our friends were friends.

Ani said...

Hey! Nice! Way to go! I am so glad you updated...and that I got to talk to you today! I love you!

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